Daniel Reference Bible Malayalam
DanielReferenceBibleMalayalamWhy did God create a Devil Consider the Gospel. In my last post I looked at the account of the Fall of man. The book of Genesis records Satan which means accuser in the guise of a serpent orchestrating this tragedy. But this raises an important question Why would God create a bad devil which means adversary to corrupt His good creation Lucifer The Shining One. In fact the Bible records that God actually created a powerful, intelligent, and beautiful angelic being the chief among all angels called Lucifer meaning Shining One and that he was very good. But Lucifer also had a will with which he could freely choose. A passage in Isaiah 1. How you have fallen from heaven,morning star, son of the dawn You have been cast down to the earth,you who once laid low the nations You said in your heart,I will ascend to the heavens I will raise my throneabove the stars of God I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,on the utmost heights of the North. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds I will make myself like the Most High. Isaiah 1. Lucifer, like Adam, had a choice. He could accept that God was God or he could choose to decide that he would be god unto himself. His repeated I wills show that he chose to defy God and declared himself to be Most High. A passage in Ezekiel gives a parallel account of the fall of Lucifer You were in Eden, the garden of God. I ordained and anointed youas the mighty angelic guardian. You had access to the holy mountain of Godand walked among the stones of fire. You were blameless in all you didfrom the day you were createduntil the day evil was found in you. So I banished you in disgracefrom the mountain of God. I expelled you, O mighty guardian,from your place among the stones of fire. Your heart was filled with pridebecause of all your beauty. Your wisdom was corruptedby your love of splendor. So I threw you to the ground. Ezekiel 2. Lucifers beauty, wisdom and might all the good things created in him by God led him to pride. His pride led to his rebellion and fall, but he never lost and thus still retains any of his power and traits. He is leading a cosmic revolt against his Creator to see who will be God. His strategy was to enlist mankind to join him by tempting them to succumb to the same choice that he made to love themselves, become autonomous from God, and defy Him. The heart of the test of Adams will was the same as Lucifers it was just arrayed with a different garb. They both chose to be god to themselves. This was and is the ultimate god delusion. Satan working through others. The passage in Isaiah is directed to the King of Babylon and the Ezekiel passage is addressed to the King of Tyre. But from the descriptions given, it is obvious that no human is addressed. The I wills in Isaiah describe a being who was cast to the earth in punishment for wanting to place his throne above the stars of God. The passage in Ezekiel addresses one who is an angelic guardian who once moved in Eden and the mountain of God. This tendency of Satan or Lucifer to position himself behind or through someone else is consistent. In the Genesis fall he speaks through the serpent. In Isaiah he rules through the King of Babylon, and in Ezekiel he possesses the King of Tyre. Why did Lucifer revolt against God But why would Lucifer want to defy and usurp the rule of the One omniscient and omnipotent Creator An important aspect of being smart is to know whether or not you can defeat a potential opponent. Lucifer may have had and still has power, but even his limited creature power would have been insufficient for a successful revolt against His Creator. So why risk all and go for something he could not win I would think that a smart angel would have recognized his limitations pitted against Omniscience Omnipotence combined and held back his revolt So why didnt heThis question puzzled me for many years. What helped me was to realize that Lucifer could only come to the conclusion that God was His omnipotent Creator by faith the same as for us. Let me explain. The Bible associates the origin of angels with the first week of creation. We see this in Isaiah 1. Faith A Critical Bible Study explores the concept that the New Testament gospels were written after the letters of Paul to resolve controversies. Best Software For Web Designers. Let Make A Soccer Team Pc Download. Audio Reference Text mRifk 11 vkfn esa ijesoj us vkdkk vkSj iFoh dh lfV dhA mRifk 12 vkSj iFoh csMkSy vkSj lqulku iMh Fkh vkSj xgjs ty ds. Do not know how to read Hindi alphabets Click here to read an English transliteration of Hindi Bible. Add Bible Passage Search to your website. Amplified Bible AMP 9 MB 04May2010 This is a paid module and requires an unlock key to be used. Authors The Lockman Foundation Module version 1. Bible. So for example a creation passage in Job tells us Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm. He saidWhere were you when I laid the earths foundation Tell me, if you understand. Job 3. 8 1 7Picture Lucifer being created and becoming conscious sometime in creation week, somewhere in the cosmos. All he knows is that now he exists and is self aware, and there is also another Being who claims to have created him and all the cosmos. But how does Lucifer know that this claim is true Perhaps, this alleged creator popped into existence in the cosmos just before Lucifer had popped into existence. And because this creator arrived earlier on the scene, so to speak, he was perhaps more powerful and perhaps more knowledgeable than he was but then again perhaps not. Could it be that both he and the alleged creator had both popped into existence Lucifer could only accept Gods Word to him that He had created Him and that God himself was eternal and infinite. And in his pride he chose to believe the fantasy that he had birthed in his own mind. You might think it fanciful that Lucifer would believe that both he and God and the other angels just popped into existence. But this is the same basic idea behind the latest and greatest of modern cosmology. There was a cosmic fluctuation of nothing and then out of this fluctuation arose the universe that is the essence of modern atheistic cosmological speculations. Fundamentally, everyone from Lucifer to Richard Dawkins Stephen Hawkings to you I must decide by faith whether the universe is self contained or was brought forth and is sustained by a Creator. In other words, seeing is not believing. Lucifer would have seen and conversed with God. But he still would have had to accept by faith that God had created him. Minecraft Full Version Pc Windows 7 Offline Games'>Minecraft Full Version Pc Windows 7 Offline Games. Many people tell me that if God would just appear to them then they would believe. But through the Bible, many people saw and heard God that was never the issue. But the crux of the issue was whether they would accept and trust His Word about Himself and themselves. From Adam Eve, to Cain Abel, to Noah, to the Egyptians at the first Passover, to the Israelite crossing of the Red Sea all the way to those who saw the miracles of Jesus seeing never resulted in trust. The fall of Lucifer is consistent with this. So God did not make a bad devil, but created a powerful and intelligent angelic being who through his pride has led a revolt against God and in so doing was corrupted while still retaining his original splendor. By Walid Shoebat Shoebat Exclusive I discovered where the Ark of the Covenant is, but as soon as I explain it and its secret location, none of my friends will even. You, I, and all of mankind have become part of the battleground in this contest between God and his adversary devil. The strategy on the part of the devil is not to go about in sinister black cloaks like the Black Riders in the Lord of the Rings and put evil curses on us, but with his retained splendor he simply seeks to deceive us from the redemption that God has signaled at the beginning of time, through Abraham, through Moses, and then accomplished in the death and resurrection of Jesus. As the Bible says Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness.